Analysis of aerosol characteristics over the China Sea by remote sensing[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,14(2):294-312. DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20100208.
005) aerosol product is validated over the China Sea. Aerosol optical thickness at 550nm (AOT550) and fine mode fraction (FMF) are used to analyze spatial-temporal distribution of aerosol over the China Sea. Then meteorological data are used to discuss formation mechanism of aerosol characteristics. The results show that firstly MODIS
005 aerosol product has a good quality over the China Sea. Secondly
AOT550 and FMF have a notable spatial-temporal distribution feature. AOT550 reaches maximum in spring and winter
and minimum in summer and fall; oppositely
FMF reaches maximum in summer and fall
and minimum in spring and winter. Meanwhile
AOT550 and FMF have marked longitudinal variation. AOT550 appears maximum between 30°N—40°N and decreases towards north and south. And FMF increases from south to north and the tendency of increase becomes slow at 30°N. In addition
they have an obvious meridional variation. AOT550 and FMF both decrease with the increase of longitude. Finally
based on meteorological data
the source is the continent aerosol and wind and rainfall are the two most important factors.
China Seaaerosolspatial-temporal distributionformation mechanism