Extraction of buildings from remote sensing imagery based on multi-scale SLIC-GMRF and FCNSVM
- 2020年24卷第1期 页码:11-26
纸质出版日期: 2020-01-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20208221
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纸质出版日期: 2020-01-07 ,
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井然,宫兆宁,朱文定,关鸿亮,赵文吉,张涛.2020.多尺度SLIC-GMRF与FCNSVM联合的高分影像建筑物提取.遥感学报,24(1): 11-26
JING Ran,GONG Zhaoning,ZHU Wending,GUAN Hongliang,ZHAO Wenji,ZHANG Tao. 2020. Extraction of buildings from remote sensing imagery based on multi-scale SLIC-GMRF and FCNSVM. Journal of Remote Sensing(Chinese). 24(1): 11-26
The extraction of buildings from remote sensing imagery has an important application value. However
high-resolution images contain detailed information and complex features that hinder the difficulty of building extraction process.
To address this problem
we propose a building extraction method of building extraction based on multi-scale SLIC-GMRF and FCNSVM that demonstrates an improved ability of extracting buildings from high-resolution remote sensing images to some extent. First
a multi-scale SLIC-GMRF segmentation algorithm is applied to determine the initial building area
and then the advantages of the FCN neural network in semantic segmentation are utilized to extract the building features. Second
the extracted building features are used to train an SVM classifier to refine the building extraction results of building.
The results of three control experiments and two comparative tests reveal that the SLIC segmentation algorithm affects the initial segmentation results
the SVM classifier affects the extraction of building details
and the FCN features influence the performance of the SVM classifier. The precision rate
recall rate
and quality index of the proposed method are all better than the compared methods.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the experimental results. For the study area with clear features and minimal obstructions
the proposed method can effectively extract buildings from an image. This method can also obtain ideal results for areas with a complex distribution of buildings can also get ideal results.
remote sensingbuilding extractionimage segmentationFCN neural networkSVMhigh-resolution remote sensing image
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