Advances in validation of remotely sensed land surface evapotranspiration
- 2020年24卷第8期 页码:975-999
纸质出版日期: 2020-08-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20209099
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纸质出版日期: 2020-08-07 ,
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张圆,贾贞贞,刘绍民,徐自为,徐同仁,姚云军,马燕飞,宋立生,李相,胡骁,王泽宇, 郭枝虾, 周纪.2020.遥感估算地表蒸散发真实性检验研究进展.遥感学报,24(8): 975-999
Zhang Y,Jia Z Z,Liu S M,Xu Z W,Xu T R,Yao Y J,Ma Y F,Song L S,Li X,Hu X,Wang Z Y,Guo Z X and Zhou J. 2020. Advances in validation of remotely sensed land surface evapotranspiration. Journal of Remote Sensing(Chinese),24(8): 975-999[DOI:10.11834/jrs.20209099]
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important component in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum. Remotely Sensed ET (RS-ET) provides multi-scale and spatiotemporally continuous information over the land surface
and has become an effective approach to obtain ET.
Due to the heterogeneity of land surface and complexity of meteorological conditions at the near-surface layer
there exist various uncertainties derived from the model mechanism
parameterization scheme
input data and time scale conversion
which hindered correct estimations of ET
and further effect on its application. Therefore
it is essential to validate RS-ET to optimize the models and improve the associated products. This paper evaluated a group of validation methods for RS-ET (including evaporation and transpiration)
which usually consists of direct validation and indirect validation. An overview of the principles
and disadvantages for all the validation methods were summarized. Direct validation is based on in situ measurements (including (micro-) lysimeter
stem sap flow
bowen ratio energy balance system
eddy covariance
and scintillator) to get the ground truth value
which can be used as the primary and reliable method to validate RS-ET and usually employed at the pixel and regional (or basin) scales. In the absence of ground truth ET
indirect validation becomes feasible
which can be classified into (1) cross-validation
(2) Multi-scale validation based on high spatial resolution remote sensing data
and (3) spatiotemporal variation analysis that combines multiple ET impact factors. Nevertheless
there are still a series of theoretical and methodological challenges in the validation of RS-ET
such as the scale mismatch between in situ measurement and remote sensing pixels due to the land surface heterogeneity. It is well-acknowledged that how to get the ground truth value at pixel and regional scales is the core issue of validation.
This study demonstrated that validations of RS-ET products can be not only applied over homogeneous land surface but also heterogeneous surface with further development
which may at least but not limited to quantification of the spatial heterogeneity of land surface hydrothermal conditions
optimization of the experimental sites for validation over heterogeneous land surface
multi-scale measurements of ET on heterogeneous surface
acquisition of ground truth ET at pixel and regional scales
validation demonstration and uncertainty analyses of the validation process. Moreover
this study also proposed a generalized validation framework to validate RS_ET products at different scales (pixel scale and regional scale)
which included direct validation (as the priority method) and indirect validation methods (as the auxiliary method)
multiple validation data (i.e.
ground truth ET at the pixel and regional scale
ET reanalysis data
various ET products
estimated ET from models and ET impact factors). The current framework focused on evaluating the accuracy and the spatiotemporal variations
identifying the error sources of the RS-ET products and analyzing the uncertainties during the validation process. This work is expected to improve the land surface remote sensing products and promote the development of quantitative remote sensing science.
remotely sensed evapotranspirationheterogeneous surfacevalidationdirect validationindirect validation
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