Tropospheric NO2 column density retrieval from the GF-5 EMI data
- 2021年25卷第11期 页码:2313-2325
纸质出版日期: 2021-11-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210303
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纸质出版日期: 2021-11-07 ,
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程良晓,陶金花,余超,张莹,范萌,王雅鹏,陈元琳,朱莉莉,顾坚斌,陈良富.2021.高分五号大气痕量气体差分吸收光谱仪对流层NO2柱浓度遥感反演研究.遥感学报,25(11): 2313-2325
Cheng L X,Tao J H,Yu C,Zhang Y,Fan M,Wang Y P,Chen Y L,Zhu L L,Gu J B and Chen L F. 2021. Tropospheric NO2 column density retrieval from the GF-5 EMI data. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(11):2313-2325
柱浓度反演结果,与同类载荷产品进行交叉验证,并利用地基观测结果进行了地基验证。研究表明,EMI反演结果与OMI、TROPOMI具有较好的空间分布一致性和较低的相对偏差,与TROPOMI具有较好的时间变化一致性。地面验证结果表明EMI NO
Significant impact of NO
on global atmospheric environment and human health necessitate accurate monitoring of NO
. On the one hand
people can study and analyze their generation and extinction laws
distribution characteristics
and transmission characteristics. On the other hand
it can provide decision-making basis for the formulation of pollutant discharge policy and pollution control program. However
the number of ground-based air quality monitoring stations has been increasing
providing abundant NO
ground observation data. Large-scale monitoring of NO
emissions requires the development of other monitoring methods. Satellite instruments covering the ultraviolet and visible spectrum have been widely used to detect the concentration of NO
column in the atmosphere with the advantage of wide-range observation. to further strengthen the domestic air quality monitoring
and improve the air quality in China
the Environmental Trace Gas Monitoring Instrument (EMI) onboard the Chinese GaoFen-5 (GF-5) satellite was launched on May 9
2018. It is a nadir-viewing wide-field hyperspectral spectrometer
which measures the earth’s backscattered radiation in the ultraviolet and visible spectrum and is designed for atmospheric trace gas detection. Based on the measured spectrum of EMI VIS1 channel
the tropospheric NO
Vertical Column Density (VCD) was retrieved by Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometry (DOAS) method
which consists of three key steps
spectral fitting
Stratosphere-Troposphere Separation (STS)
and tropospheric Air Mass Factor (AMF) calculations. After spectral fitting
a stripe correction scheme was developed for the stripe phenomenon that appears in the initial fitted NO
SCD. The current advanced STREAM algorithm was used to estimate the stratospheric NO
and the TM5 NO
profile with higher spatial resolution was used in the calculation of tropospheric AMF. The retrieval results of tropospheric NO
VCD based on EMI were presented
and the results were cross-verified with NO
products from international similar instruments
OMI and TROPOMI. From a larger spatial scale
EMI can reflect the global distribution of typical NO
pollution city sources. In terms of regional scale
the daily spatial distribution correlation coefficients between EMI and TROPOMI in different regions are greater than 0.9. On a monthly time scale
EMI and OMI (TROPOMI) show consistent spatial distribution in the four urban agglomerations of China
and the average spatial correlation coefficient is 0.8 (0.87). The regional mean bias between EMI and OMI (TROPOMI) is within 11.3% (9.5%). The time series analysis of the Pearl River Delta region shows that EMI has high consistency (
=0.89) with TROPOMI. The ground-based MAX-DOAS observation results are also used for validation. The ground validation results show that the EMI retrieval results have high correlation coefficient (0.96) and approximately 35% underestimated. This study proves EMI’s ability in global NO
monitoring. In the future
domestic instruments similar to EMI are carried out on the GF-5 (02) satellite and the atmospheric environmental monitoring satellite (AEMS)
which contributes continuously to China’s trace gas detection. Therefore
this study can provide reference for the design of next similar instruments and the development of corresponding NO
retrieval algorithm in China.
remote sensingGF-5EMINO2DOAS
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