The proposal, practice and preliminary application of land-based (ground-based, shore-based) remote sensing of water environment
- 2021年25卷第11期 页码:2163-2172
纸质出版日期: 2021-11-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210473
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纸质出版日期: 2021-11-07 ,
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张运林,施坤,张毅博,孙晓,李娜,黄新,王玮佳,周永强,高阳辉,蔡宏,高晶.2021.陆基(地基、岸基)水环境遥感的提出、实践和初步应用.遥感学报,25(11): 2163-2172
Zhang Y L,Shi K,Zhang Y B,Sun X,Li N,Huang X,Wang W J,Zhou Y Q,Gao Y H, Cai H and Gao J. 2021. The proposal, practice and preliminary application of land-based (ground-based, shore-based) remote sensing of water environment. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(11):2163-2172
Cross-section monitoring is an important cornerstone to accurately grasp the surface water quality and water environment change characteristics
to explore water environment formation mechanism
to evaluate and assess water environment trend
to treat and repair water pollution
and to manage water quality. Improving the level of three-dimensional
automatic and intelligent monitoring is an important direction of future ecological environment monitoring
which can effectively improve the level of modern ecological environment monitoring ability.
The traditional cross-section manual sampling monitoring is time-consuming and laborious
and the time and space frequency are very low resulting in the discrete data and the poor timeliness. High frequency on-line monitoring of underwater sensors can solve the continuous observation in time
but the sensor is easy to wear and tear and disturbed by water environment
resulting in unstable monitoring accuracy
limited monitoring indexes
large errors between automatic monitoring results of key parameters such as total nitrogen and total phosphorus and conventional laboratory monitoring analysis data. In addition
high management and maintenance costs are needed for the on-line monitoring of underwater sensors. Satellite remote sensing can realize the inversion of key water quality parameters in different spatial scales
but it is difficult to solve the high temporal resolution continuous observation. Meanwhile
it is difficult to ensure high-precision monitoring due to the effects of cloud and rain conditions and atmospheric correction.
In this study
we firstly propose the concept of land-based (ground-based
shore-based) water environment remote sensing to effectively supplement and improve the existing satellite remote sensing and national surface water environment cross-section monitoring technology and methods. Using domestic hyperspectral imager developed by the Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.
Ltd. and Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
we carry out the application practice of land-based (ground-based
shore-based) water environment remote sensing under complex weather and water conditions in Lake Taihu. Based on the
in situ
measurement of remote sensing reflectance and key water quality parameters
we calibrate and validate the remote sensing estimation models of Secchi disc depth
total suspended matter
total nitrogen
and total phosphorus with high precision. Overall
the estimation precisions of four key water quality parameters are close or higher than 80% indicating the land-based (ground-based
shore-based) remote sensing can be used for the accurate monitoring of water quality under complex weather and water conditions. High frequency dynamic processes of key water quality parameters are observed by implanting remote sensing estimation models into the hyperspectral imager
which can be used to finely characterize time evolution process of water environment. The practice of remote sensing of water environment in Lake Taihu shows that it has a wide application prospect and market value to install domestic hyperspectral imager to carry out high frequency accurate observation of key water quality parameters in the national surface water monitoring section.
Of course
in situ
observation and measurement for different waters are needed to improve or develop universal models for more parameters monitoring. Coupled with satellite
unmanned aerial vehicle and land-based (ground-based
shore based) remote sensing
the sky-air-ground integrated remote sensing monitoring system can be established. Combined with cross-section manual monitoring and automatic observation
the collaborative monitoring can be carried out to give full play to their respective advantages
which truly realize the long-term reconstruction and real-time high-frequency dynamic monitoring of key water quality parameters serving water environment management.
land-based (ground-based shore-based) remote sensingwater quality parameterstotal suspended matternutrientstotal phosphorussecchi disc depth
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