Multi-satellite integrated processing and analysis method under remote sensing big data
- 2021年25卷第3期 页码:691-707
纸质出版日期: 2021-03-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211058
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纸质出版日期: 2021-03-07 ,
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付琨,孙显,仇晓兰,刁文辉,闫志远,黄丽佳,于泓峰.2021.遥感大数据条件下多星一体化处理与分析.遥感学报,25(3): 691-707
Fu K,Sun X,Qiu X L,Diao W H,Yan Z Y,Huang L J and Yu H F. 2021. Multi-satellite integrated processing and analysis method under remote sensing big data. National Remote Sensing Bulletin,25(3):691-707
With the rapid development of aerospace technology and the continuous increase of China’s high resolution earth observation data acquisition in the past few decades
the era of remote sensing big data has coming now. Developing multi-satellite integrated data processing and application technology has become an important trend. In this paper
we systematically review the technological development process from two aspects
including multi-satellite imaging processing and multi-element information extraction. Then
we analyze the advantages and characteristics of the existing cutting-edge methods
and points out the main challenge of establishing the integrated processing model for imaging processing field and efficient learning model for information extraction field. On this basis
as well as according to the practical application requirements
a novel method of multi-satellite integrated processing and analysis under remote sensing big data is proposed in this paper. We emphatically define the basic concepts
scientific problems
research ideas and solutions of this method. On one hand
in terms of multi-satellite imaging processing
aiming at the problem of difficult estimation of high-dimensional coupled imaging parameters at high resolution
the various errors caused by the whole cycles of electromagnetic waves are calculated quantitatively
including payload error
platform error
data transmission error
atmospheric influence and so on. Then a multi-satellite integrated imaging processing physical model based on the Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) is constructed to approximate estimate imaging parameters. In this way
we can achieve high-precision geometric corrections and radiation corrections
as well as generate high-quality remote sensing image products. On the other hand
in terms of multi-element information extraction
to solve the problem that the accuracy of the original tasks is difficult to maintain due to the addition of new tasks and requires full sample retraining
we design a multi-task feature sharing model based on few-shot incremental learning. It has a novel memory retention unit and multi-modal joint optimization of convex non-negative matrix factors. Through this model
we can generate parallel and high-precision annotations for multiple objects. Compared with the existing methods
the information between different satellites and payloads
different missions and objects are complementary to each other
leading to the simultaneous improvement of multi-sensor imaging quality and object extraction accuracy. The specific technical approach and preliminary experimental verification are given in detail in this paper. Experiments on multi-satellite imaging processing show that our method can effectively estimate multiple imaging errors. The phase estimation accuracy is within 1 degree when the signal-to-noise ratio is -5dB
which indicates the good performance even under low signal-to-noise ratio condition. At the same time
experiments on multi-element information extraction show that compared to single-modal method
our method
which uses multi-modal data in combination and embedded the novel memory retention unit
improve the extraction accuracy in multi-tasks of object detection and semantic segmentation. In the future
we will pay more attention to the disconnection problem between multi-satellite imaging processing and multi-element information extraction in the field of remote sensing. By establishing a benign mutual feedback mechanism between these two procedures to maximize the benefits of the remote sensing big data.
remote sensing big datamulti-satellite integratedmulti-satellite imaging processingmulti-element information analysisGenerative Adversarial Networks(GAN)multi-task
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