Review of cloud polarimetric remote sensing
- 2022年26卷第5期 页码:852-872
纸质出版日期: 2022-05-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221404
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纸质出版日期: 2022-05-07 ,
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王宇瑶,麻金继,李婧晗,洪津,李正强.2022.云偏振遥感综述.遥感学报,26(5): 852-872
Wang Y Y,Ma J J,Li J H,Hong J and Li Z Q. 2022. Review of cloud polarimetric remote sensing. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(5):852-872
Clouds are collections of water droplets or ice crystal colloids suspended in the atmosphere. They are a visible manifestation of the Earth’s massive water cycle
which play an important role in global climate. Since the radiation intensity signal cannot accurately detect the internal physical characteristics of thick clouds
especially convective clouds
high-quality cloud observations cannot be achieved only by using this signal. Polarimetric remote sensing can describe the spectral characteristics of intensity
phase positions
and polarization states of light, so as to expand the volumes and dimensions of the information observed. It can detect the size
and other microphysical parameters
showing unique application advantages in cloud remote sensing.
A wealth of literature on the development of polarimetric sensors can be found
for example
POLDER launched by France
ASP designed by the United States
and DPC developed by China. This paper summarizes the characteristics of internationally developed landmark polarimetric sensors and introduces the polarimetric sensor that will be launched soon. It is found that the development of polarimetric sensors underwent three main periods. During the first period
polarimetric sensors had low spatial resolution
fewer polarization spectrums
fewer angles
and low polarimetric accuracy. During the second period
the four elements mentioned above have been improved. In the third period
the sensors were developed into products with high spatial resolution
more polarization spectrum
large angles
and high polarimetric accuracy. The accessible spatial resolution
polarization data
and polarimetric accuracy were all greatly improved.
In addition
this paper discusses the research on polarization data of cloud detection
physical characteristics
and optical characteristics of clouds. Starting from a series of problems existing in traditional remote sensing observation methods in cloud research
including poor cloud detection of accuracy
physical and optical characteristics
the advantages of polarization detection are revealed through a detailed introduction to the classical polarization cloud parameter algorithms. Moreover
the development history of cloud polarimetric remote sensing research and the critical role played by the application of polarization data in cloud-related studies are explored.
By reviewing the development of polarimetric sensors and the evolution of cloud remote sensing algorithms in the past three decades
we found that the polarimetric accuracy
and spatial and time resolution were improved as the number of polarimetric sensors increased. However
the acquired polarimetric signal is increasingly complex. Therefore
when designing the algorithm of cloud remote sensing
the factors we should consider will be fewer. In contrast
the algorithm will be more rigorous
and the inversion accuracy of cloud parameters will be higher. Considering that with the accumulation of experience and the development of instruments
it is believed that the polarization data will make significant progress in optimizing cloud parameters.
atmospheric remote sensingpolarizationPOLDERAPSDPCcloudvector radiative transferinversion algorithm
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