Optical extraction of oil spills based on sunglint reflection difference in HY-1C CZI images
- 2023年27卷第1期 页码:197-208
纸质出版日期: 2023-01-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221688
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纸质出版日期: 2023-01-07 ,
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朱小波,沈亚峰,刘建强,丁静,焦俊男,居为民,陆应诚.2023.基于耀光反射差异的海面溢油遥感识别提取.遥感学报,27(1): 197-208
Zhu X B,Shen Y F,Liu J Q,Ding J,Jiao J N,Ju W M and Lu Y C. 2023. Optical extraction of oil spills based on sunglint reflection difference in HY-1C CZI images. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(1):197-208
溢油是海洋环境监测的重要目标之一。近年来,光学遥感对海面溢油不同污染类型的识别、分类与估算原理得到阐明,其技术优势获得认可;能为海面溢油监测提供颠覆性的技术支持,提高了溢油的识别精度,实现精细化定量探测。随着中国海洋水色业务卫星—HY-1C/D(Haiyang-1C/D)的投入应用,其搭载的海岸带成像仪CZI(Coastal Zone Imager)在中国近海溢油监测中体现了较好的效能;但HY-1C/D星CZI载荷开展中国近海溢油业务化监测应用,还需要不断丰富并发展溢油识别提取算法。在HY-1C/D星CZI载荷的高空间分辨率影像中,不同的海面溢油污染类型具有明确的光谱响应特征和形态特征;太阳耀光反射差异,有助于海面溢油的遥感检测,同时也给溢油污染的识别分类与定量估算带来不确定性影响。本研究在CZI载荷数据对海面溢油波段响应基础上,通过溢油海面与背景干扰的耀光反射特征分析,厘清CZI图像中海面耀光干扰的空间分布特点;进一步在优选波段的移动窗口分割及其参数统计基础上,通过对不同分割窗间的耀光形态特征及其相关性判断,实现了CZI图像上海面溢油较高精度的识别与提取。其中,弱耀光条件下油膜提取的平均精度为90.24%、乳化油的平均精度为80.55%;强耀光条件下溢油提取总体效果也较好。面向国产自主海洋水色业务卫星数据,发展溢油光学遥感识别、分类、提取与估算,不仅能促进国产海洋光学卫星的业务化应用,更能为全面掌握中国近海溢油污染状况提供数据参考。
After an oil spill accident
it is essential to quickly detect the location
spatial coverage
pollution type
and amount of oil spills
so as to measure the impacts of different oil spill types
clean up the oil
and help the ocean recover. Although the mechanism and characteristics of optical remote sensing of oil spills have been basically clarified
the research on automatic oil spill extraction algorithms is still insufficient
which still needs to be addressed. The main challenge is that the significant variation of sunglint is helpful to the oil spill identification
but also brings many uncertainties to the extraction. Hence
the marine remote-sensing community is always committed to developing remote-sensing methods for improving the performance of aspects
such as preprocessing
and classification. The scale of extraction is deemed the key to eliminating sunglint interference. As the conventional extraction method cannot be applied on the optical images directly for the reasons outlined in the context
a new man-machine interactive oil spill extraction method (more specific an oil–water mixture detector)
which is able to eliminate sunglint interference was introduced. It accomplishes this by splitting the oil spill global region into adjacent sub-windows
as the sunglint can be considered constant in a small region. The proposed method and density-based clustering is used cooperatively in the method. The detector first discretizes different types of oil spills in images based on the specific optical detection principle of oil spills. Then the clustering uses the auxiliary information of multispectral images to achieve high confidence clustering output. The Coastal Zone Imager (CZI) onboard China’s HaiYang-1C/D (HY-1C/D) satellites can provide multispectral images with high spatial resolution and wide coverage for operational monitoring of oil spills. The proposed method was applied to HY/CZI oil spill dataset and other optical images of several oil spill events. The spatial differentiation of sunglint and remote sensing response characteristics of different oil spills in CZI were analyzed
and the accurate identification and extraction of oil spills in CZI images were realized. The results show that the optical remote sensing extraction method considering the variation of sunglint can effectively identify and extract the oil spills
and has good anti-interference ability. Based on testing of CZI data covering different areas
the method was proved to be effective in removing interference caused by sunglint
image interference (e.g. cloud
rough surface texture
ship wakes
and so on. In addition
the method can further distinguish oil slicks and oil emulsions under the condition of weak sunglint
showing the ability to identify different oil spills
which can provide a reference for the operational application in oil spill monitoring. The results show stable variable-scale extraction accuracies of approximately 90.24% and 80.55% for oil slicks and oil emulsions
respectively. It is also applicable for the optical images with lower resolution
but the effect is inferior to that in CZI because of the influence of mixed pixels. As aforementioned
the accurate results are attributed to appropriate parameter adjustment under different spatial resolutions
oil spil types
and sunglint reflections. The satisfactory transfer applicability is mainly attributed to the variable-scale detector for sunglint reflection differences. In summary
the precondition for accurate oil spill extraction is to eliminate the sunglint interference
which depends on not only the sunglint model but also appropriate local scale
not global. Without a doubt
to what extent the coordination and utilization of sunglint and spectral information is the key to breakthrough for accurate oil spill extraction and quantification.
HY-1C/Dsunglint reflectionoil spillsoptical remote sensingsegmentation scale
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