A method for estimating the land surface albedo of OCO-2 oxygen A-band based on MODIS/MCD43C3
- 2023年27卷第4期 页码:1009-1020
纸质出版日期: 2023-04-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20231333
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纸质出版日期: 2023-04-07 ,
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杨洁,李四维,王庆鑫.2023.利用MODIS多通道反照率产品估算OCO-2氧气A吸收带陆表反照率方法.遥感学报,27(4): 1009-1020
Yang J,Li S W and Wang Q X. 2023. A method for estimating the land surface albedo of OCO-2 oxygen A-band based on MODIS/MCD43C3. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(4):1009-1020
Land surface reflection depends on land surface albedo and interferes with the retrieval of cloud geometrical thickness from OCO-2 oxygen A-band observations due to its second-strongest reflection after the cloud. However
no product can provide the land surface albedo of the OCO-2 oxygen A-band required for the retrieval. Therefore
the accurate estimation of land surface albedo is necessary and beneficial to the retrieval quality.
In this study
we proposed a method for estimating land surface albedo in the oxygen A-band from multichannel black/white albedos from MODIS/MCD43C3 products. Although the estimation (MODIS→OCO-2) is related to land cover type
the comparison based on Shannon entropy proved that the multichannel albedo data contains the type information and is sufficient to achieve the same accuracy as land cover-type estimation. In addition
we implement the estimation model by BP neural network
and the accuracy is consistent with that of the analysis based on the Shannon entropy.
We verified the multichannel-based estimation model by tests in different times and spaces. Its correlation coefficients were all over 0.93
and the root-mean-squared errors were 0.026. In addition
the multichannel-based model was always superior to the single-channel linear model on all land cover types
whether applied to the best-performing type of barren or sparsely vegetated land or the worse-performing type of snow and ice. The quality of MODIS albedo data is the most important for the accuracy of estimation. The root-mean-squared error with the best inputs was slightly better than 0.02 and increased to more than 0.05 as the quality of the inputs decreased.
The method of estimating the land surface albedo in the OCO-2 oxygen A-band from MODIS multichannel black/white albedo data is feasible and can resist the disturbance caused by unknown land cover type. The estimation accuracy depends on the quality of the input MODIS albedo data.
remote sensingland surface albedoland cover typeOCO-2oxygen A-bandcloud retrieval
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