Development of precipitation retrieval based on multimode radar remote sensing
- 2023年27卷第7期 页码:1574-1589
纸质出版日期: 2023-07-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20231768
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纸质出版日期: 2023-07-07 ,
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戴强,刘超楠,张亚茹,朱净萱,张林.2023.基于多模式雷达遥感的陆表降雨反演研究进展.遥感学报,27(7): 1574-1589
Dai Q,Liu C N,Zhang Y R,Zhu J X and Zhang L. 2023. Development of precipitation retrieval based on multimode radar remote sensing. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(7):1574-1589
Rainfall is a key link in the earth’s water cycle and one of the most important inputs to hydrological and land surface models. Thus far
radar-based rainfall information has been widely used in global surface hydrology process simulation
disastrous weather forecast
flood control
and disaster relief because it provides data with a high spatial and temporal resolution that improves rainfall representation. In recent years
precipitation radar has gradually developed in a multiangle
and multiantenna direction under different meteorological observation requirements and rainfall application scenarios. The radar observes rainfall in the air. Meteorological and hydrological research have different requirements for rainfall observation on the temporal and spatial scales. Thus
a series of conversion processes from radar rainfall observation in the air to the land surface generates considerable uncertainties. Thus
the accuracy of radar precipitation must be improved by systematic deviation corrections and data processing.
In this study
a comprehensive review of the process of radar rainfall inversion aims to provide a general picture of the current state of multimode radar technology. First
the development characteristics of multimode radar remote sensing technology were summarized. Afterward
the basic process of converting aerial rainfall observed by radar to the surface of the land surface was sorted out. Furthermore
we reviewed and summarized the major progress and methods of precipitation radar rainfall inversion. The upscaling and downscaling applications in hydrological and land surface models were compared in the literature review. Then
we analyzed the factors causing the air-land surface rainfall deviation in the radar
such as raindrop evaporation
and fragmentation. The calculation method of raindrop evolution deviation was also summarized. Moreover
we summarized the current methods for correcting radar rainfall based on ground-based reference rainfall
such as the rainfall observed by rain gauges. Finally
on the basis of this review
we discussed the existing major challenges and prospects in multimode radar precipitation
including developing multiscale inversion of surface rainfall
multimodel surface rainfall data fusion
surface rainfall inversion considering microphysical deviation of raindrops
and multimode radar data mining based on machine learning.
weather radarradar precipitation estimationradar remote sensingmulti-modeurban waterlogging
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