Multifeature deep subspace clustering for hyperspectral band selection
- 2024年28卷第1期 页码:132-141
纸质出版日期: 2024-01-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232505
纸质出版日期: 2024-01-07 ,
何珂,孙伟伟,黄可,陈镔捷,杨刚.2024.基于多特征深度子空间聚类的高光谱影像波段选择.遥感学报,28(1): 132-141
He K,Sun W W,Huang K,Chen B J and Yang G. 2024. Multi-feature deep subspace clustering for hyperspectral band selection. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 28(1):132-141
Hyperspectral Images (HSIs) contain abundant spectral information of ground objects through dozens or even hundreds of contiguous narrow bands with a high spatial resolution. However
HSIs are plagued by strong correlation between high-dimensional bands
which increases the difficulty in processing and applications of HSIs. Therefore
dimensionality reduction is one of the important steps of hyperspectral preprocessing. Band selection can effectively preserve the spectral significance of HSIs; thus
it is broadly used for dimensionality reduction. Unfortunately
the existing hyperspectral band selection methods typically consider inter-band relationships in a linear perspective while only partially focusing on multiscale information and demonstrating susceptibility to noise
resulting in poor performance of the subset of bands selected by existing methods. This paper proposes a multifeature deep subspace clustering for HSI band selection to overcome the above problems.
MFDSC embeds the self-expression layer into the autoencoder to learn subspace self-expression coefficients
which considers the interaction of spatial and spectral information and explores the inter-band relationship with a nonlinear perspective. In addition
this paper couples the spatial-spectral attention and multifeature extraction modules with DSC to further reduce the interference of outliers and improve the learning capability of latent representation
thus enhancing the accuracy of self-expression coefficients. MFDSC starts with a spatial–spectral attention module to reweight the HSI to suppress useless information such as noise. Afterward
MFDSC uses convolution kernels of different sizes to extract features at different scales for encoding. Then
MFDSC learns the subspace coefficient matrix through the self-expression layer and reconstructs the original HSI using the decoder. Finally
the subspace coefficient matrix is partitioned using spectral clustering
and the bands closest to the cluster center in each class are calculated. These bands are the final results of band selection.
In this paper
the proposed method is compared with the five state-of-the-art methods in a variety of experiments on three hyperspectral datasets (i.e.
Indian Pines
and YRD datasets). The support vector machine
which adopts radial basis function as kernels
is employed as the classifier. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can attain better performances than the comparison methods. Superior results are obtained when the number of bands reaches a certain number instead of using all bands. In addition
the computational efficiency of MFDSC is acceptable and significantly faster than that of DARecNet
which is a deep learning-based method.
MFDSC considers the interference of noise and outliers on the self-expression performance of subspace clustering. Meanwhile
MFDSC nonlinearly learns the latent representation of data at different scales without deepening the network depth based on multiscale autoencoders. Thus
MFDSC can select a representative subset of bands and reduce the difficulty of subsequent applications.
hyperspectral remote sensingdimensionality reductionband selectionmulti-featuredeep subspace clustering
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