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封面图片为高分一号卫星宽幅相机(WFV) 于2022 年4 月8 日获取的青藏高原腹地色林错湖化冰期遥感影像,湖面的湖冰清晰可见(中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 计璐艳 供图)。时值4 月,随着气温上升,青藏高原湖泊开始进入融化期,通常情况湖泊化冰期较短(约2 周),由于高分一号宽幅相机具有较短的回访周期(约4 天),因此较容易捕捉到青藏高原湖泊化冰瞬间。色林错藏语意为“威光映复的魔鬼湖”,海拔4530 m, 其面积自20 世纪70 年代以来一直在扩张,超过纳木错湖成为西藏第一大湖泊。高分系列卫星自 2013 年发射以来,已经稳定运行近 10 年,提供了充足的数据,长时间多源遥感数据可为湖泊面积、水量、冰候等变化提供良好技术手段,有效支撑湖泊的动态监测。

                                                                         The ice thawing period at Selincuo Lake on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by GF-1 satellite

The cover image features the thawing period at Selincuo Lake in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, captured by the Wide Field View (WFV) camera on GF-1 satellite on April 8th, 2022. The lake ice is clearly visible (image provided by Luyan Ji from Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences). In April, as temperature rises, lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau begin to thaw, with the thawing period typically lasting about two weeks. Due to the short revisit period of the GF-1 WFV camera (approximately four days), it is easier to capture the thawing moments of the lakes on the plateau. Selincuo, meaning "the Devil's Lake with reflected glory" in Tibetan, is located at the altitude of 4530 m and has been expanding since the 1970s, surpassing Namtso Lake as the largest lake in Tibet. Since the launch in 2013, the Gaofen satellites series has been operating stably for nearly ten years, providing abundant data. Long-term multi-source remote sensing data offer valuable technical.