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封面图片为我国首颗探日卫星——”羲和号”拍摄的太阳Hα波段光谱成像。“羲和号”全称太阳Hα光谱探测与双超平台科学技术试验卫星,于2021年10月14日发射成功,目前在轨稳定运行。它实现了国际首次全日面Hα波段光谱扫描成像,可在46 s内扫描全日面,像元光谱分辨率达到0.024 Å,空间分辨率达到1.2 arcsec。一次扫描即可获得376个波长位置的太阳图像,反映了从光球至色球不同层次的太阳大气。在技术方面,它实现了超高指向精度(1×10-4º)和超高稳定度(3×10-5º/s)卫星平台的在轨验证。“羲和号”科学数据在国家航天局数据政策的指导下,通过南京大学太阳科学数据中心对外共享(https://ssdc.nju.edu.cn)。

Solar spectroscopic observation at Hα waveband by CHASE

The cover image is the solar spectroscopic observation at Hα waveband captured by China’s first solar space mission – the Chinese Hα Solar Explorer (CHASE). The CHASE mission, also dubbed “Xihe” – Goddess of the Sun in Chinese legends, was successfully launched on  October 14, 2021, and is currently operating stably in orbit. It acquires the first full-Sun Hα spectroscopic observation. The full-Sun raster scanning takes only 46 seconds, with a spectral sampling of 0.024 Å and a spatial resolution of 1.2 arcsec. From the two-dimensional spectra of each scanning, we can reconstruct 376 monochromatic images at different wavelengths across the observed wavebands, corresponding to different solar surface layers from the photosphere to the chromosphere. In terms of technology, it achieves the in-orbit verification of a satellite platform with ultra-high pointing accuracy (1×10-4 º) and stability (3×10-5 º/s). Under the data policy of China National Space Administration, the CHASE science data are available through the Solar Science Data Center of Nanjing University (https://ssdc.nju.edu.cn).