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封面展示了我国首颗兼备130 km以上超大幅宽,同时提供0.5 m分辨率影像数据产品和8个多光谱通道的商业光学遥感卫星—“四维高景三号”01星。该卫星成像能力大幅度提升,幅宽是高景一号卫星的10倍以上,实现省域季度覆盖;在常见全色、红、绿、蓝、近红外波段基础上,新增海岸线波段(400—450 nm)、黄波段(585—625 nm)、红边波段(705—745 nm)、近红外2波段(860—1040 nm)等4个波段,可服务于去云去雾、林地分类、植被监测等多种定量化应用场景。该卫星是“中国四维新一代商业遥感卫星系统”宽幅光学星座首发星,将显著提升中国四维的数据获取和时空信息服务能力。“四维高景三号”01星的成功发射将实现“2+1+2”三型卫星组网运行,标志着“中国四维新一代商业遥感卫星系统”步入协同运营阶段。

The SuperView Neo 3-01 satellite


The cover features China's first commercial optical remote sensing satellite with a resolution of 0.5 m and 8 multispectral bands, which is capable of swath width of satellite image exceeding 130 km in width - the " SuperView Neo 3-01" satellite. Compared to SuperView-1, the satellite's imaging capabilities have been significantly enhanced, with an image width exceeding ten times, enabling quarterly coverage of provincial regions. In addition to the common panchromatic, red, green, blue, and NIR2 bands, four new bands have been added including the coastal blue(585-625 nm), yellow(585-625 nm), red-edge(705-745 nm), and NIR2(860-1040 nm) bands. These bands facilitate various quantitative applications such as cloud and haze removal, land cover classification, and vegetation monitoring. This satellite is the first launch of 'China Siwei Next-Generation Commercial Remote Sensing Satellite System' in 2024. It has been significantly enhancing China Siwei's data acquisition and spatiotemporal information service capabilities.The successful launch of the "SuperView Neo 3-01" satellite will realize the "2+1+2" constellation operation of satellites, marking the entry of the "China Siwei New Generation Commercial Remote Sensing Satellite System" into the collaborative operational phase.