封面图片为 Sentine-2卫星于222年4月7日获取的湖南省洞庭湖湿地的标准假彩色影像,蓝色为水体、亮红色为沿泽湿地洞庭湖湿地被誉为长江中游的生态明珠"、“拯救世界濒危物种的主要希望地”,同时也是国家级自然保护区和我国首批列入《国际湿地公约》重要湿地名录的7块湿地之。洞庭湖湿地在蓄洪防旱、调节气候、维持生物多样性等方面发挥着极为重要的作用。但受气候变化和人类活动的双重胁迫,洞庭湖湿地生态系统的保护仍有巨大压力,多源遥感技术可为湿地生态系统的立体监测提供良好技术手段,有效支撑湿地的动态监测并服务于湿地保护与修复。本期专刊的17篇论文汇总了湿地遥感的最新研究成果。
Sentinel-2 standard false-color image of the Dongtinghu Wetland site
The cover image shows a Sentinel-2 standard false-color image of Dongtinghu Wetland site in Hunan Province on April 7, 2022. The bluecolor denotes water, and bright red color represents vegetated wetland. Dongtinghu Wetland is known as "the ecolocical pearl in the middlereaches of Yangtze River" and "the main hope area of saving the world's endangered species. lt is also a national nature reserve and one ofthe first seven wetlands of China listed in the nternational Convntion on Wetlands. The wetlands in this site play an important role in floodstorage, drought prevention, climate requlation, biodiversity maintenance. However, due to the dual threats posed by climate change andhuman activities, the protection of the wetland ecosystem in Donatinghu Wetland site stil faces great pressure. Multisource remote sensintechnology can provide a promising technical approach for stereoscopic monitoring of wetland ecosystems. lt effectively supports thedynamic monitoring of wetlands and facilitates the protection and retoration of wetlands.The 17 papers in this special issue present thelatest research achievements in the field of remote sensing of wetland.